An ‘UP’ on your Wall

Today’s art work was inspired by the movie, UP. And we are not using any drawing papers tonight but a piece of canvas.


• canvas
• acrylic paint, any colors of your choice (I used red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, purple and white)
• cork
• roller brush
• paint brushes (optional)
• photo of any family members
• scissors
• glue

How to make one:
1. Using a roller brush, roll over the blue paint and roll it onto your white canvas. The purposes of using a roller brush to give you a white and blue effect of a sky in a natural way. It is not meant to paint the entire canvas in blue.
2. Using a cork, dip into any color paint of your choice and start stamping on your canvas. What you are stamping is to create tons of balloons effect like the UP movie poster. Clean the cork and work on other colors.

3. Cut the people out from your photo, spread the glue and stick it on the canvas. You can position it wherever you like.
4. Using a thin paint brush, dip into white paint and draw strands of strings (optional).


And you are done 🙂
Difficulty Level: 1 out of 5 stars